Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases est une publication mensuelle de la Société Française de Cardiologie éditée par Elsevier. En langue anglaise, les ACVD comprennent des éditoriaux scientifiques, des articles originaux, des revues générales de synthèse et les textes de recommandations de la SFC. Les thématiques abordées incluent les maladies coronariennes et valvulaires, la rythmologie, les cardiomyopathies, l'insuffisance cardiaque, l'imagerie cardiovasculaire, la médecine vasculaire et l'hypertension artérielle, l'épidémiologie et les facteurs de risque.
Scientific editorial
Atrial fibrillation and vascular disease: Coronary artery disease and/or peripheral artery disease?
Hani Essa, Gregory Y.H. Lip
Clinical research
Thromboembolic events in atrial fibrillation: Different level of risk and pattern between peripheral artery disease and coronary artery disease
Yu-Sheng Lin, Victor Chien-Chia Wu, Yung-Lung Chen, Chi-Hung Liu, Huang-Chung Chen, Wei-Chieh Lee, Teng-Yao Yang, Victor Aboyans, Mien-Cheg Chen
Prevalence, clinical determinants and prognostic implications of coronary procedural complications of percutaneous coronary intervention in non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: Insights from the contemporary multinational TAO trial
Jeremie Abtan, Stephen D. Wiviott, Emmanuel Sorbets, Batric Popovic, Yedid Elbez, Shamir R. Mehta, Marc S. Sabatine, Christoph Bode, Charles V. Pollack, Marc Cohen, Tiziano Moccetti, Peep Laanmets, David Faxon, Andrzej Okreglicki, Gregory Ducrocq, Ph. Gabriel Steg, TAO investigators
Clinical and prognostic implications of phenomapping in patients with heart failure receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy
Clémence Riolet, Aymeric Menet, Stéphane Verdun, Alexandre Altes, Ludovic Appert, Yves Guyomar, François Delelis, Pierre Vladimir Ennezat, Raphaelle A. Guerbaai, Pierre Graux, Christophe Tribouilloy, Sylvestre Marechaux
18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography for the diagnosis of native valve infective endocarditis: A prospective study
Mary Philip, Sarkis Delcourt, Julien Mancini, Laetitia Tessonnier, Serge Cammilleri, Florent Arregle, Hélène Martel, Leopold Oliver, Sandrine Hubert, Sébastien Renard, Laurence Camoin, Anne Claire Casalta, Jean Paul Casalta, Frédérique Gouriet, Alberto Riberi, Hubert Lepidi, Frederic Collart, Didier Raoult, Michel Drancourt, Gilbert Habib
Cardiovascular disorders in patients with congenital portosystemic shunts: 23 years of experience in a tertiary referral centre
Virginie Lambert, Delphine Ladarre, Feriel Fortas, Philippe Durand, Pierre Hervé, Emmanuel Gonzales, Florent Guérin, Laurent Savale, Valérie A. McLin, Oanez Ackermann, Stéphanie Franchi-Abella, International Registry of Congenital Portosystemic Shunts (IRCPSS)
Antithrombotic strategies in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome
Jean-Guillaume Dillinger, Marc Laine, Sara Bouajila, Franck Paganelli, Patrick Henry, Laurent Bonello
ВиК услуги в София
С много дългогодишни служители и техници дори нашите най-дългогодишни клиенти могат да се чувстват част от семейната среда. Нашият стремеж към изграждане на взаимоотношения, а не към бърза продажба, ни е превърнал в една от най-надеждните ВиК компании за жилищни и търговски обекти в София.
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